

Cascadas, Ambars Rock, Natural Mud Maks y una casa en el árbol en un solo lugar. Escápate de la ciudad para sumergirte en el ecoturismo de la provincia de Hato Mayor, la primera provincia ecoturística de República Dominicana. Ven con nosotros y disfruta de las frescas aguas del río Yanigua, donde se encuentran El Salto y Rancho Yanigua, el lugar es de fácil acceso, rodeado de arbustos, y con carbón mineral y barro azul en sus aguas, el Yanigua es al mismo tiempo un anfiteatro de agua, formando deslizamientos de tierra o esparcimiento que se asemejan a escalones blancos, dando una vista impresionante y espectacular al visitante.


Seleccione la fecha para el Tour:


Live the Jungle in Los Haitises Waterfalls


Living the Jungle in Los Haitises Waterfalls


Escape the city to immerse yourself in the ecotourism of the province of Hato Mayor, the first ecotourism province of the Dominican Republic. Come with us and enjoy the fresh waters of the Yanigua River, where El Salto and Rancho Yanigua are located, the place is easily accessible, surrounded by bushes and with mineral coal and blue mud in its waters, the Yanigua is at the same time a water amphitheater, by forming landslides or scattering that resemble white steps, giving an impressive and spectacular view to the visitor.


A legend has it that the waters of the Yanigua are where the ciguapas wash and tan their manes with mud, which are presumed to have always existed in the area. During the activity enjoy a therapeutic mud bath to rejuvenate, cure acne, exfoliate, cure arthritis, blood circulation, and revitalize the energies of the body. Also from the glass-bottomed House of Tarzan, built on a tree with a height equal to a 7-story building. You know about the culture of Amber, and Cacao.


The activity includes:


  • Transfer from Sabana de la Mar por
  • Trekking
  • River mud mask 
  • Buffet lunch
  • Treehouse with a glass floor
  • Cocoa process
  • Organic coffee
  • Waterfall
  •  National Tourist Guide
  •  Wifi
  • Ambar Rock stores



In Salto and Rancho Yanigua, there is no telephone signal, it is important to take into account external communication, but we have our own private network with the internet for the public



  • 相机
  • 驱虫芽
  • 防晒霜
  • 帽子
  • 舒适的裤子
  • 森林登山鞋
  • 凉鞋到春天地区。
  • 泳装





笔记: 如果您在旅游/短途旅行出发时间前 24 小时内预订,我们可以安排额外收费的酒店接客服务。购买完成后,我们将向您发送完整的联系信息(电话号码、电子邮件地址等),以便当地导游安排接机安排。


  1. 门票是支付本次旅游费用后的收据。您可以在手机上出示付款信息。
  2. 预订流程后将收到集合点。
  3. 儿童必须由成人陪同。
  4. 不适合轮椅使用者
  5. 婴儿必须坐在腿上
  6. 不推荐有背部问题的旅行者
  7. 不建议怀孕旅客使用
  8. 没有心脏问题或其他严重的医疗状况
  9. 大多数旅客都可以参加


如需全额退款,请阅读我们的取消政策 点击这里.如果在旅行当天取消预订,则会损失资金。




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预订: 在Dom. Rep. 的游览与游览

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📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

我们可以通过 Whatsapp 灵活设置私人旅游: +18097206035.
