From Punta Cana Hotels
Punta Cana Buggies - Buggy
Note: This tour starts at 7: 00 am Depending where is the Pickup Hotels Time may Change. Extras cost for Pick up in Areas not listed in Our Description.
Umumiy koʻrinish
Tour the paradise landscapes of Punta Cana, onboard your very own buggy! You’ll discover the Macao village and its idyllic beaches, as well as taking a dip in an indigenous cenote.
- Choice of several departures throughout the day
- Enjoy fantastic views
- Family friendly
- Pickup from a centrally located meeting point
- Romantic experience, perfect for couples
Qo'shimchalar va istisnolar
- Buggies Tour
- Bus pick up from Your Hotel
- Barcha soliqlar, yig'imlar va ishlov berish to'lovlari
- Mahalliy soliqlar
- Ichimliklar
- Imkoniyatlar
- Tushlik
Ketish va qaytish
Sayohatchi bronlash jarayonidan so'ng uchrashuv nuqtasini oladi. Turlar bizning uchrashuv nuqtalarimizda boshlanadi va tugadi.
Nimani kutish kerak?
Having picked you up from your hotel we’ll make our way to the Punta Cana interior. Surrounded by coffee and cocoa plantations, your local guides will explain the tour and everything you need to know to drive your buggy.
Then we’ll turn the key in the ignition, and begin the excitement, zipping over hills, through coffee plantations and along dirt trails and riverbeds.
Our first stop will be at Macao beach. Far from the large hotels and tourist areas, this natural paradise and its crystal clear water is the perfect spot for a dip, and here you’ll have free time to swim in the stunning Caribbean sea.
Then we’ll climb back aboard our buggy, on our way to the so-called ‘Indigenous Springs’, discovering one of the most idyllic cenotes in Punta Cana. Here you’ll have half an hour free to explore this underground pool, swimming in its turquoise waters.
Finally, we’ll leave the buggies behind, and we’ll accompany you back to your accommodation, putting an end to an unforgettable day.
7:00 AM – 7:00 PM… Time change depending on were in Punta Cana you are located.
Solo or Sharing?
When making your reservation you can choose if you would prefer to drive a buggy to yourself or share a vehicle with one or three others. The price shown is per person.
Nimani olib kelish kerak?
- kamera
- Repelent kurtaklar
- quyosh kremi
- Shlyapa
- Qulay shimlar
- O'rmon uchun poyafzal
- Plyajga sandal
- Suzish kiyimi
- Esdalik sovg'alari uchun naqd pul
Mehmonxonadan olib ketish
Traveler pickup is offered!
We do pick up from all the Hotels in Punta Cana. Pick up Location is Hotel Lobby
If you are staying at a condo in the area, we will be picking you up at the condo or at the entrance of the closest resort.. We set Pick up contacting us by Whatsapp.
Eslatma: Agar siz tur/ekskursiya jo'nab ketganidan keyin 24 soat ichida band bo'lsangiz, biz mehmonxonani qabul qilishni tashkil qilishimiz mumkin. Xaridingiz tugallangandan so'ng, biz sizni olib ketishni tashkil qilish uchun mahalliy sayyohlik qo'llanmamiz uchun to'liq aloqa ma'lumotlarini (telefon raqami, elektron pochta manzili va boshqalar) yuboramiz.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumotni tasdiqlash
- Chiptalar - bu turni to'lashdan keyin kvitansiya. To'lovni telefoningizda ko'rsatishingiz mumkin.
- Uchrashuv nuqtasi bronlash jarayonidan keyin olinadi.
- Children between 5 and 11 may only take part if they ride in a 2 or 4 person buggy, accompanied by an adult, as they are not able to drive the buggies.
- nogironlar aravachasiga kirish mumkin
- Chaqaloqlar tizzalariga o'tirishlari kerak
- Aksariyat sayohatchilar qatnashishi mumkin
- Pregnant women may not take part in this activity.
Bekor qilish siyosati
For a full refund, cancel at least 72 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
Biz bilan bog'lanish?
Sarguzashtlarni bron qilish
Mahalliy aholi va Milliylar Turistlar va mehmonlarga xizmatlar
Rezervasyonlar: Dom.Rep.da turlar va ekskursiyalar.
Biz bilan bog'lanish?
Sarguzashtlarni bron qilish
Mahalliy aholi va Milliylar Turistlar va mehmonlarga xizmatlar
Rezervasyonlar: Dom.Rep.da turlar va ekskursiyalar.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Biz Whatsapp orqali xususiy sayohatlarni sozlashimiz mumkin: +18097206035.