Half Day Experience
Catalina Island and Snorkeling with Catamaran Party From Punta Cana
Umumiy koʻrinish
We enjoy a catamaran tour across crystal clear waters to Catalina Island, the best-known area for snorkeling in the Dominican Republic.
Your day begins with a pick up at your hotel main lobby or specified meeting point. Then we´ll continue to Catalina Island to enjoy a refreshing bath, and some drinks, while whoever can perform 2 types of Snorkel with an instructor and after we will eat a delicious lunch buffet at the beach and we´ll take some classes of Salsa and Bachata, while we also make some delicious drinks. Once tired of being lazy on the beach, grab some snorkeling equipment and admire Catalina’s underwater world.
The ocean, so incredibly clear, and the beach white sand waiting for you. Relax on a sunbed or snorkeling all included for you. You will enjoy where you will see the tradition of our music and dance.
Eslatma: This tour is not Private. If you will like to set a Private tour just Contact us!
Xususiy transport
- Natural Swimming Pool for StarFish Watching
- Snorkeling
- Tushlik
- Boat Catamaran Transfer
- Kapitan ko'rsatmalar beradi va nazorat qiladi
- Ekskursiya yo‘riqnomasi
Qo'shimchalar va istisnolar
- Ekskursiya yo‘riqnomasi
- snorkeling
- Tushlik
- Pick Up at Hotels
- Katamaran yoki qayiq sayohati
- Barcha soliqlar, yig'imlar va ishlov berish to'lovlari
- Mahalliy soliqlar
- Ichimliklar
- Imkoniyatlar
- Photos
Ketish va qaytish
Sayohatchi bronlash jarayonidan so'ng uchrashuv nuqtasini oladi. Turlar bizning uchrashuv nuqtalarimizda boshlanadi va tugaydi.
Catalina Island and Snorkeling with Catamaran Party From Punta Cana – Half Day Experience.
Nimani kutish kerak?
During the Catalina Island Excursion from Punta Cana, guests will have the opportunity to snorkel in the vibrant corals reefs at Catalina, swimming among lively school of fish enjoying the stunning Caribbean underwater fauna.
We will begin the snorkeling excursion departing in the morning towards La Romana. During the drive we will pass by the sugar cane fields as your guide provides interesting information about the history of the area, general culture and rum making techniques of the country. Upon arrival to La Romana, we will board our Catamaran and depart towards Catalina. Our first stop on the island will be “The Wall,” a majestic coral wall that extends from the Island to the Caribbean Sea.
After snorkeling, you will continue the path to the beautiful beach of Catalina, an exclusive place. Upon arrival, guests will have access to 2 kilometers of white sand beaches and crystal clear waters, a beach bar with drinks and a delicious Dominican lunch buffet with barbecue. We will board the catamaran around 3:30 pm to return to Punta Cana after an incredible day of snorkeling and relaxation on Catalina Island. IslandDuring the Catalina Island Excursion from Punta Cana, guests will have the opportunity to snorkel in the vibrant corals reefs at Catalina, swimming among lively school of fish enjoying the stunning Caribbean underwater fauna.
We will begin the snorkeling excursion departing in the morning towards La Romana. During the drive we will pass by the sugar cane fields as your guide provides interesting information about the history of the area, general culture and rum making techniques of the country. Upon arrival to La Romana, we will board our Catamaran and depart towards Catalina.
Our first stop on the island will be “The Wall,” a majestic coral wall that extends from the Island to the Caribbean Sea. After snorkeling, you will continue the path to the beautiful beach of Catalina, an exclusive place. Upon arrival, guests will have access to 2 kilometers of white sand beaches and crystal clear waters, a beach bar with drinks and a delicious Dominican lunch buffet with barbecue. We will board the catamaran around 3:30 pm to return to Punta Cana after an incredible day of snorkeling and relaxation on Catalina Island.
7:00 AM – 4: 30 PM
Time can change depends on time of departure from Hotels.
Nimani olib kelish kerak?
- kamera
- Repelent kurtaklar
- quyosh kremi
- Shlyapa
- Qulay shimlar
- Suzish kiyimi
- Esdalik sovg'alari uchun naqd pul
Mehmonxonadan olib ketish
Hotel pick-up is not offered for this tour. We Can Set it Via- Whatsapp.
Eslatma: Agar siz ekskursiya/ekskursiya jo'nash vaqtidan keyin 24 soat ichida band bo'lsangiz, biz qo'shimcha haq evaziga mehmonxonani olib ketishni tashkil qilishimiz mumkin. Xaridingiz tugallangandan so'ng, biz sizni olib ketishni tashkil qilish uchun mahalliy sayyohlik qo'llanmamiz uchun to'liq aloqa ma'lumotlarini (telefon raqami, elektron pochta manzili va boshqalar) yuboramiz.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumotni tasdiqlash
- Chiptalar - bu turni to'lashdan keyin kvitansiya. To'lovni telefoningizda ko'rsatishingiz mumkin.
- Uchrashuv nuqtasi bronlash jarayonidan keyin olinadi.
- Bolalar kattalar bilan birga bo'lishi kerak.
- nogironlar aravachasiga kirish mumkin
- Chaqaloqlar tizzalariga o'tirishlari kerak
- Aksariyat sayohatchilar qatnashishi mumkin
Bekor qilish siyosati
Toʻlovni toʻliq qaytarish uchun tajriba boshlanishidan kamida 24 soat oldin bekor qiling.
Biz bilan bog'lanish?
Sarguzashtlarni bron qilish
Mahalliy aholi va Milliylar Turistlar va mehmonlarga xizmatlar
Rezervasyonlar: Dom.Rep.da turlar va ekskursiyalar.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Biz Whatsapp orqali xususiy sayohatlarni sozlashimiz mumkin: (+1) 829 318 9463.