Taino’s Canoe in Los Haitises National Park

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $64.00.

In this activity, you’ll set out in the hand-crafted canoes, just as the Taínos did. You’ll hear many of the sounds that marked their connection with nature: the call of cranes, the dip of crabs into the water, and the gentle lapping of waves against natural rock formations. The arches of the mangrove roots will remind you of cathedrals, and indeed, the Taínos (although they didn’t have churches) were deeply spiritual. Once you’ve set out with our guide, you’ll enjoy the rich variety of birds, reptiles, and fish of the mangroves. Bedazzled at the sparkle of the waves winking in the morning light, the mountains of Samaná in the distance, and the emerald green of the swaying palms. 


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Canoes Adventure

Taino's Canoe in Los Haitises National Park

Гомуми күзәтү

Curious about the daily life of the Taínos? With the Taino Adventure activity, you’ll be transported back in time to experience the world of the indigenous peoples of the Dominican Republic. 

The canoe was arguably the most important part of the lives of the Taínos. With it, they fished, traveled to smaller islands, communicated with other tribes, and visited shamans for rituals, healing, and prophesy. At Booking Adventures, we want to immerse you into the world of the Taínos. 


Керүләр һәм чыгарулар


  1. Canoes trip
  2. Free T-shirt with Taino’s Pictograph
  3. Casabe bread taste
  4. Мәгарә гастрольләре
  5. All taxes, fees, and handling charges
  6. Localирле салымнар
  7. Localирле кулланма


  1. Рәхмәт
  2. Күчерү
  3. Төшке аш кертелмәгән
  4. Алкогольле эчемлекләр


Китү һәм кайту

The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finished at our meeting points.

Нәрсә көтәргә?

In this activity, you’ll set out in the hand-crafted canoes, just as the Taínos did. You’ll hear many of the sounds that marked their connection with nature: the call of cranes, the dip of crabs into the water, and the gentle lapping of waves against natural rock formations. The arches of the mangrove roots will remind you of cathedrals, and indeed, the Taínos (although they didn’t have churches) were deeply spiritual. Once you’ve set out with our guide, you’ll enjoy the rich variety of birds, reptiles, and fish of the mangroves. Bedazzled at the sparkle of the waves winking in the morning light, the mountains of Samaná in the distance, and the emerald green of the swaying palms.  

Next, you’ll be able to visit some of the caves that were especially important to the Taínos. They traveled from cave to cave visit wise men, take shelter from hurricanes, and as meeting points with other tribes. Once you’re in the caves, you’ll be able to appreciate the silence and the hallowed aura of the space. You’ll see some of the rock carvings, called petroglyphs, that represent their deities and spirits. Finally, you’ll be able to taste some of the same tropical fruit that Taínos gathered before you head back to the meeting point. 

In this tour, our expert guides will describe the many uses of the canoe, how the Taínos lived before the time of Columbus, and how the mangrove forest is essential for the health of the environment. 


Сез нәрсә китерергә тиеш?

  • камера
  • Рәнҗетүче куаклар
  • кояш кремы
  • Шляпа
  • Уңайлы чалбар
  • Пычрак урыннар өчен сандаллар яки аяк киеме. 
  • Йөзү киеме



Кунакханәне алып бару бу тур өчен тәкъдим ителми.

Тамга: Әгәр сез экскурсиядән / экскурсиядән 24 сәгать эчендә броньлансагыз, без өстәмә түләүләр белән кунакханәне алып китә алабыз. Сатып алу тәмамлангач, без сезнең белән тулы контакт мәгълүматын (телефон номеры, электрон почта адресы һ.б.) җибәрәчәкбез.

Өстәмә мәгълүмат раслау

  1. Tickets are the Receipt after paying for this Tour. You can show the payment on your phone.
  2. Очрашу пункты резервлау процессыннан соң кабул ителәчәк.
  3. Балалар олылар белән бергә булырга тиеш.
  4. Инвалид коляскасына кереп булмый
  5. Сабыйлар кочакларга утырырга тиеш
  6. Арткы проблемасы булган сәяхәтчеләр өчен тәкъдим ителми
  7. Йөкле сәяхәтчеләр өчен тәкъдим ителми
  8. Йөрәк проблемалары яки башка җитди медицина шартлары юк
  9. Күпчелек сәяхәтчеләр катнаша ала

Беркетү политикасы

For a full refund, cancel at least 72 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.

Безнең белән элемтәгә чыгу?

Бронь маҗаралары

Район кешеләре һәм Милли Экскурсоводлар һәм кунак хезмәтләре

Резервацияләр: Домда экскурсияләр.

📞 Теле / Ватсап  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

Без Whatsapp тарафыннан шәхси турларны көйлибез: +18097206035.
