바라오나(도미니카 공화국)의 하이킹 코스. 카초테 산맥, 열대 과일, 수영

원래 가격: $55.00.현재 가격: $50.00.

Compre un boleto de un día a Bahía las Águilas desde Barahona. Conduciendo por el parque nacional Jaragua y rumbo a Cabo Rojo, donde un bote lo espera. Después de un viaje de 15 minutos en bote, llegará a la hermosa y aislada Bahía de las Águilas, considerada la playa más hermosa del país. El almuerzo se servirá en la playa y tendrá la oportunidad de nadar o simplemente relajarse en la playa. Disfrute de la prístina arena blanca de esta playa de 8 km de longitud.


Seleccione el día para este viaje:


Rutas de senderismo en Barahona (República Dominicana).

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Visión general

Disfruta de un día de caminata en la Sierra de Cachote, Barahona. Partiendo de Paraiso Comunity. Aprendiendo sobre áreas de plantaciones de café. Nadar en manantiales naturales y una de las playas más hermosas de República Dominicana con fotos escénicas.

포함 및 제외



  1. Guía local con experiencia en seguridad en la zona.
  2. Transporte privado para grupos pequeños.
  3. Todos los impuestos, tarifas y cargos por manejo.
  4. Recojo / Transporte de su hotel (zona de Barahona / Paraíso / Los Patos)
  5. Guía local que habla inglés o francés.
  6. Typical lunch (sandwiches type) and a bottle of water
  7. 지방세
  8. 등산
  9. Natural Pools


  1. All Drinks
  2. All services not specifically mentioned
  3. Personal expenses and tips

출발 및 귀국

예약 절차가 끝나면 여행자는 미팅 장소를 배정받게 됩니다. 투어는 미팅 포인트에서 시작하고 종료합니다.

Difficulty: Medium-Difficult
Duration of the walk: 5-6 hours
Elevation: 800 meters
Departure from the Hotel: 08.00 AM
Return to the Hotel: 05.00 PM

Hiking trails in Barahona (Dominican Republic). Cachote Mountains, Tropical Fruits & Swim

뭘 기대 할까?

We will start this walk in the town of Ojeda, which is famous for its great production of typical Caribbean fruits and vegetables. Along the way, we can taste avocados, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, guavas, mangoes, papayas, sapotes, and soursop!

After 1 hour and a half of climbing, we will reach an impressive point of view over the town of Paraíso, the Riosito, and the high mountains of Cachote.

We will continue climbing in a colder and more humid climate until we reach the town of Barrio Nuevo where we will have lunch.

In the afternoon we will cross a magnificent coffee farm on top of the mountain at 800 meters above sea level. Then we will go down for 1 hour until we reach the Riosito gorge where we can bathe in a beautiful natural pool surrounded by the tropical forest.

Continue walking through the Riosito valley to end the day bathing at Paraiso beach.

무엇을 가져와야합니까?

  • 카메라
  • 구충제 새싹
  • 선크림
  • Water
  • 모자
  • 편안한 바지
  • 숲속의 등산화
  • 봄 지역에 샌들.
  • 수영복


호텔 픽업

Hotel pick-up is offered for this tour. Pickup/Transportation from your hotel (area of Barahona/Paraiso/Los Patos).

메모: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrange hotel pick-up. We just pick up in Barahona areas. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.

추가정보 확인

  1. 티켓은 본 투어 결제 후 영수증입니다. 휴대폰으로 결제내역을 보여주실 수 있습니다.
  2. 만남의 장소는 예약 절차 이후에 받게 됩니다.
  3. 어린이는 반드시 성인과 동반해야 합니다.
  4. 휠체어 이용 불가
  5. Los bebés deben sentarse en el regazo
  6. 허리에 문제가 있는 여행자에게는 권장되지 않습니다.
  7. No recomendado para viajeras embarazadas.
  8. Sin problemas cardíacos ni otras afecciones médicas graves
  9. La mayoría de los viajeros pueden participar

취소 정책

Para obtener un reembolso completo, cancele al menos 72 horas antes de la fecha de inicio de la experiencia. Los fondos se perderán si la reserva se cancela el mismo día del viaje. [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]
