Bike,Mangroves, Kayaks, Caves and More.
Bicicleta de montaña Los Haitises + Kayaks
Visión xeral
Travel with a local expert and get the unique experience of biking starting from Sabana de la Mar, this tour will take you around to see the beautiful landscape of the countryside of the Dominican Republic. As you ride your bike you will be able to say hi! the farmers riding their horses or motorbike to their property and during the tour, you will be able to emerge in the adventure and local culture from Sabana de la Mar. Some facts about Los Haitises: is one the largest limestone formation in the world, a place for the conservation of endemic species, Location with the majority of the biodiversity of the island and there is one of the largest mangrove forests of Quisqueya.
Inclusións e exclusións
1 Water bottle
First aids Kit
Todos os impostos, taxas e gastos de xestión
Impostos locais
Funcionarios Guías ecoloxistas inglés/español
Saída e volta
The tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finished in our meeting points.
Que esperar?
Get your ticket for biking and Kayaking from Sabana de la Mar
This Excursion starts from meeting point you must confirm with our travel Agents or your Tour Guide before heading to any location. Once you meet your guide you’ll have debrief of the tour and everything related to your day.
When everyone is ready we’ll head to Los Haitises National Park port where you’ll start the kayak at Cano Hondo river which ends in San Lorenzo Bay, this is a small bay of only 10 Km2 and for two hours you’ll emerge yourself in the different ecosystems of los Haitises.
During this part of your trip you will paddle around the mangrove forest which is the second largest in the island with more than 90 Km2 and when you get to San Lorenzo Bay you’ll see Samana Peninsula and Bay.
While kayaking there is the possibility of seeing some dolphins, birds like the Blue Heron, Grey Heron, Crows, Brown Pelican, Royal Tern, Magnificent Frigatebird, and the unique views of Los Haitises National Park. After 4 hours and half hours of activities in Los Haitises National Park and Sabana de la Mar, this excursion ends in the same place as it started.
Nota: Estes percorridos son con guías ecoloxistas oficiais. Reserve con tempo porque no parque non hai demasiados especialistas.
Que debes traer?
- cámara
- Brotes repelentes
- crema solar
- Sombreiro
- Pantalóns cómodos
- Zapatillas para correr
- Sandals for the kayaking
- Roupa de baño
- Towels
Recollida no hotel
Non se ofrece a recollida do hotel para esta excursión.
Nota: Se reservas dentro das 24 horas posteriores á hora de saída da excursión/excursión, podemos organizar a recollida do hotel con cargos adicionais. Unha vez completada a compra, enviarémosche a información de contacto completa (número de teléfono, enderezo de correo electrónico, etc.) para que o noso guía turístico local organice a recollida.
Confirmación de información adicional
- As entradas son o recibo despois de pagar este Tour. Podes mostrar o pago no teu teléfono.
- O punto de encontro recibirase despois do proceso de reserva.
- Os nenos deben ir acompañados dun adulto.
- Non accesible en cadeira de rodas
- Os bebés deben sentarse no colo
- Non recomendado para viaxeiros con problemas de costas
- Non recomendado para viaxeiras embarazadas
- Sen problemas cardíacos ou outras condicións médicas graves
- Poden participar a maioría dos viaxeiros
Política de cancelación
Para un reembolso completo, cancela polo menos 24 horas antes da data de inicio da experiencia.
Contacta connosco?
Reserva aventuras
Os locais e Nacionais Guías turísticos e servizos para os hóspedes
Reservas: Tours e excursións en Rep. Dom.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Somos flexibles para configurar tours privados por Whatsapp: +18097206035.