Birding in Los Haitises National Park
Ridgway's Hawk Tour
We are conserving 110 species of birds which you can find in Los Haitises National Park. Walking through this magical forest in search of parrots, Todys, Ridgway’s Hawks, tanagers, hummingbirds, and much more. Providing interesting History about all these birds which you can see on the Humit trail. We know the spots habitats of Ridgway’s, Ashy Faced Owls and other endemics species. This Tour is focus on nature and is more concentrated in the information about wildlife.
Usually is a private tour for a truly high quality experience.
Ynklusjes & útslutings
- 3 hours bird walk on the park trails
- Alle belestingen, fergoedings en ôfhannelingskosten
- Lokale belestingen
- Officials Ecologist tour guides English/Spanish
- Gratuities
- Oerdracht
- Beverage
Fertrek & werom
The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finished in our meeting points.
Wat te ferwachtsjen?
Get your ticket for birdwatching in Los Haitises National Park.
This Excursion starts from meeting point by hiking the Ridgway trails to the Nesting areas. After 30 min hiking and watching the Hawks we have the option to continue hiking around and check for Parrots, piculets, and Others Endemics species in Los Haitises National Park.
Los Haitises National Park has just two Trails for Birding in Sabana de la Mar. On the way to Los Hiatises National Park we stop in some spots to see more birds.
Been in the San Lorenzo Bay. we will visit two Caves, the Sadly Cave call in Spanish Cueva de la Arena; in this Cave, we can see the petrographs from Tainos communities that were staying around this area. and using the caves as a temple.
After that, we go ahead to the Linea Cave, this one with 2,243 originals pictographs and our tour guide explain you the information from archeologist about those pictographs.
Taking the boat back again to the Pajaros island ( Birds Island) where we can see most of the wetlands birds around to Los Haitises National Park. Just because all birds are not in the Water.
After 4 and half hours learning about birds in Los Haitises National Park, this excursion ends in the same place as started.
Note: These tours are with Officials Ecologist tour guides. Please Book with time because in the park there are no too many specialists.
Wat moatte jo bringe?
- kamera
- Binocular
- Repellent knoppen
- sinnebrân
- Hoed
- Komfortabele broek
- Hiking skuon foar bosk
- Sandalen nei de Spring gebieten.
- Swimklean
Hotel Pickup
Hotel pick-up wurdt net oanbean foar dizze tour.
Noat: As jo binne boekt binnen 24 oeren fan de tour / Ekskurzje fertrek tiid, kinne wy regelje hotel pick-up mei ekstra Charges. Sadree't jo oankeap is foltôge, stjoere wy jo folsleine kontaktynformaasje (tillefoannûmer, e-mailadres, ensfh.)
Oanfoljende Info Befêstiging
- Kaarten binne de ûntfangst nei it beteljen fan dizze Tour. Jo kinne de betelling sjen litte op jo tillefoan.
- Treffpunt sil wurde ûntfongen nei it reservearringsproses.
- Bern moatte wurde begelaat troch in folwoeksene.
- Net rolstoel tagonklik
- Bern moatte op skoot sitte
- Net oan te rieden foar reizgers mei rêchproblemen
- Net oan te rieden foar swiere reizgers
- Gjin hertproblemen of oare serieuze medyske omstannichheden
- De measte reizgers kinne meidwaan
This tour is offered to a Minimum of 2 people and Maximum 15 people. In case of fewer people, please contact us.
Cancellation Policy
Foar in folsleine restitúsje, annulearje op syn minst 24 oeren foar de startdatum fan 'e ûnderfining.
Kontakt mei ús opnimme?
Booking Adventures
Locals en Nationals Tour Guides & Gast Tsjinsten
Reservaasjes: Tours en ekskurzjes yn Dom. Rep.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Wy binne fleksibele ynstellen fan priveereizen troch Whatsapp: +18097206035.