Samana vaala vaatamine Las Terrenase hotellidest. Poolpäevane reis vaalade vaatlemiseks.
Whale Watching 2020 in Las Terrenas to Samana Bay
Whale Las Terrenas, whale watching in Samaná Bay from Las Terrenas hotels half day Trip. Travel to Samaná bay aboard a comfortable, air-conditioned coach, then transfer to a boat. Cruise out into the open waters to look for the pods of humpback whales who visit to breed and have their calves in the area. Learn about the behavior and biology of these marine mammals from your expert naturalist guide. After this half day trip we get back to the meeting point in Las Terrenas.
Märge: This tour is not Private.
- Vaalavaatlusreis
- Observatooriumi sissepääsutasud
- Samana Safari
- Paaditransfeer
- Kapten annab juhiseid ja järelevalvet
- Giid
Kaasamised ja välistused
- Buffet lunch
- Transfer From Hotels
- Giid
- Laevareis
- Kõik maksud, tasud ja käitlustasud
- Kohalikud maksud
- Joogid
- Jootraha
Väljumine ja tagasitulek
Reisija saab pärast broneerimisprotsessi kohtumispunkti. Ekskursioonid algavad ja lõpevad meie kohtumispunktides.
Samana vaala vaatamine Las Terrenase hotellidest. Poolpäevane reis vaalade vaatlemiseks.
Mida oodata?
The Humpback whales come to the Bay of Samana to give birth and to mate. Whale watching is permitted from 15 of January to 15 March only. Measuring some 12 meters and weighing 40 tons the whales offer an unforgettable sight for your awestruck eyes. Don’t miss the chance to hear the powerful sound as this magnificent mammal as it spouts out the air. Watch as the males launch themselves out of the water in an effort to impress the «ladies» as the mating ritual.
It is so exciting to see the newly born calves clinging to their mothers who in turn spend their whole time caressing and playing with them. Our tour guide is specialized in marine mammals and will amaze you with his knowledge and help you interpret each movement the whales make.
From 9:00 Am until 12:00-noon Whale watching observatory and After this Whale trip we will have lunch.Tour will be finished at 1:30 pm at the same port from where it will start. After this we will get back to Las Terrenas.
8:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Mida peaksite kaasa võtma?
- kaamera
- Tõrjuvad pungad
- päikesekreem
- Müts
- Mugavad püksid
- Sandaalid randa
- Ujumisriided
- Cash for souvenirs and tips
Hotelli järeletulemine
Hotel pick-up is offered for this tour. Just in Las Terrenas.
Märge: if you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Lisateabe kinnitus
- Piletid on kviitung pärast selle ekskursiooni tasumist. Saate näidata makset oma telefonis.
- Kohtumispunkt võetakse vastu pärast broneerimisprotsessi.
- Lastega peab kaasas olema täiskasvanu.
- ratastooliga ligipääsetav
- Imikud peavad istuma süles
- Enamik reisijaid saab osaleda
Täieliku raha tagasi saamiseks tühistage vähemalt 24 tundi enne elamuse alguskuupäeva.
Võta meiega ühendust?
Kohalikud ja Rahvuslased Giidid ja külalisteteenused
Broneeringud: Reisid ja ekskursioonid Dom Rep.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Me korraldame paindlikult Whatsapi privaatreise: +18097206035.