Santo Domingo City Tour From Punta Cana. All-Inclusive Day Trip.


To truly experience the rich history and culture of the Dominican Republic, join us for an all-day tour of Santo Domingo, the oldest city in the Americas.  Riding in a modern, clean, and comfortable bus, you will be entertained by a professional guide making this trip both lively and informative.

You will see many interesting sites along the way, including the Chavon River, which has been featured in films, such as Apocalypse Now and Rambo.  Visiting Los Tres Ojos National Park and the complete Zona Colonial after a Typical Lunch buffet.


Please Select the date for  City Tour: 


መጓጓዣ እና ምሳ ተካትቷል።

Santo Domingo City Tour From Punta Cana. All-Inclusive Day Trip.

Santo Domingo City Tour From Punta Cana. All-Inclusive Day Trip.

አጠቃላይ እይታ

Spend a day in the colonial historical zone of the oldest city in Latin America.  Explore landmarks and highlights such as the Plaza de España, the National Palace, the Columbus lighthouse and the Colonial Zone.

Stop at the Tree Eyes National Park and see the underground caves and loagoons used by the Taino Indians.First you will be picked up from your hotel by bus.

The tour will start with meeting a professional guide that will give you some information regarding the island and the Dominican culture, food, music and much more. Lunch at a typical Dominican restaurant is included. This tour will definitely give you the real history of this island!

After this experience, you will get Back to Location where you meet with the Tour Guide


ማካተት እና ማግለያዎች


  1. Lunch Buffet
  2. Columbus lighthouse
  3. Day Trip Santo Domingo
  4. Los Tres Ojos National Park
  5. The Colonial Zone Walk
  6. The National Palace
  7.  The Plaza de España
  8. ሁሉም ግብሮች፣ ክፍያዎች እና የአያያዝ ክፍያዎች
  9. የአካባቢ ግብሮች
  10. መጠጦች
  11. መክሰስ
  12. የአካባቢ መመሪያ


  1. ስጦታዎች
  2. የአልኮል መጠጦች


መነሳት እና መመለስ

ተጓዡ ከቦታ ማስያዝ ሂደት በኋላ የመሰብሰቢያ ነጥብ ያገኛል። ጉብኝቶች በስብሰባ ቦታዎችዎ ላይ ይጀምሩ እና ይጨርሱ።

Santo Domingo City Tour From Punta Cana. All-Inclusive Day Trip.

ምን ይጠበቃል?

Santo Domingo is a magical city, full of history, culture and amazing landscapes. Walk through the oldest capital of the “New” World; Santo Domingo is the first city founded in America.
In 1992 Santo Domingo, the oldest city in Americas, celebrated its 500th anniversary of its discovery by Christopher Columbus. Santo Domingo has  the first cathedral, university and town hall of the new world. The entire city center is crammed with colonial buildings from the 15th and 16th centuries.
On this tour you will not only visit the most important historical buildings but also some museums and a fascinating cave. “Los Tres Ojos” is the first stop where you will see a cave learn about Taino Indian life.

ምን ይዘው ይምጡ?

  • ካሜራ
  • የሚያጸድቁ እምቡጦች
  • የፀሐይ ክሬም
  • ኮፍያ
  • ምቹ ሱሪዎች
  • Hiking shoes 
  • ጫማ ወደ ስፕሪንግ አካባቢዎች.
  • የመዋኛ ልብስ


ሆቴል ማንሳት

ተጓዥ ማንሳት ቀርቧል!

በፑንታ ካና ካሉት ሆቴሎች እንመርጣለን
በአካባቢው ኮንዶ ውስጥ የምትኖሩ ከሆነ በኮንዶው ወይም በቅርብ ሪዞርት መግቢያ በር ላይ እንወስድሃለን።

ማስታወሻ: ከጉብኝቱ/የሽርሽር መነሻ ጊዜ በ24 ሰአታት ውስጥ ከተያዙ፣ የሆቴል ማንሳትን ልናዘጋጅ እንችላለን። አንዴ ግዢዎ እንደተጠናቀቀ፣ የመቀበያ ዝግጅቶችን ለማደራጀት ለአካባቢያችን የቱሪዝም መመሪያ የተሟላ የመገኛ አድራሻ (ስልክ ቁጥር፣ ኢሜይል አድራሻ፣ ወዘተ) እንልክልዎታለን።

ተጨማሪ መረጃ ማረጋገጫ

  1. ትኬቶች ይህንን ጉብኝት ከከፈሉ በኋላ ደረሰኝ ናቸው። ክፍያውን በስልክዎ ላይ ማሳየት ይችላሉ።
  2. የስብሰባ ነጥብ ከቦታ ማስያዝ ሂደት በኋላ ይቀበላል።
  3. ልጆች ከትልቅ ሰው ጋር መያያዝ አለባቸው.
  4. በተሽከርካሪ ወንበር ተደራሽ አይደለም።
  5. ጨቅላ ሕፃናት በእቅፍ ላይ መቀመጥ አለባቸው
  6. የጀርባ ችግር ላለባቸው መንገደኞች አይመከርም
  7. ለነፍሰ ጡር ተጓዦች አይመከርም
  8. ምንም የልብ ችግሮች ወይም ሌሎች ከባድ የጤና ሁኔታዎች
  9. አብዛኞቹ ተጓዦች መሳተፍ ይችላሉ።

የስረዛ መመሪያ

ለሙሉ ተመላሽ ገንዘብ፣ ልምዱ ከሚጀምርበት ቀን ቢያንስ 24 ሰዓታት በፊት ይሰርዙ። በጉዞው ቀን የተያዘው ቦታ ከተሰረዘ ገንዘቦች ይጠፋሉ.

Santo Domingo video:


የቦታ ማስያዝ ጀብዱዎች

የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች እና ዜግነት ያላቸው የጉብኝት መመሪያዎች እና የእንግዳ አገልግሎቶች

የተያዙ ቦታዎች፡ ጉብኝቶች እና ሽርሽሮች በዶም. ሪፕ.

📞 ቴል/ዋትስአፕ  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 reservabatour@gmail.com

እኛ በዋትሳፕ የግል ጉብኝቶችን ማቀናበር እንችላለን፡- (+1) 829 318 9463.
